Create & Register Account Guidelines:

Signup & Login:

After getting this link or from above link. A signup page will be visible to you. Follow these steps:

  • Name should be original and same as your original ID card or Passport or as Driving License.
  • Put your original phone number with Country code (format: +923210123456) working Number that must be active while signup.
  • A strong password that must be include with number, character and special characters. (format: #23423@$fref)
  • One user can signup/Login one device and one internet connection. A single user can’t signup multiple account as one identity. Violation of this result will be your Accounts will be blocked.
  • Any information that is not valid will harmful for your account and considered as policy violation.
  • User with Wrong or incomplete name can’t withdraw.
  • Withdraw account must be sync and should be same to your account name, id card. E-g Bank Account title name: Ahmad Ali and Pioneer user name: Ahmad ali Will be rejected because these two name are not same.
  • Same as Deposit will be approved according to these guidelines as Withdraw.

register an account guidelines



As we have mention everything with full details. Kindly follow these guidelines and make sure your account will be filled correct and above guidelines.

Watch Video For step by step to join:

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